IJDDC Editions Online

In keeping with the latest recommendations of digital publishing norms and strategies, we are pleased to announce that all IJDDC issues from July 2023 onwards shall be available only through the online platform. To ensure a smooth transition from print to online, please use the link below for instant access to IJDDC issues. RSSDI members' login is a must to access the issues.

The journal is also developing an extremely user-friendly app and webapp for instant access to the issues of IJDDC.

Click www.ijddc.org

Unique benefits of digitising the journal :

Easy accessibility through computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone anywhere in the world at your own convenience.

Quick searchability of not just specific articles but also similar topics of interest, using keywords, author names, or other related searches, allowing a wider reference base in real-time.

Timeliness of updated latest research data to reach out to the readers immediately through online published articles and preprint servers even without being assigned to an issue.

Logistically cost-effective bypassing printing and distribution costs thereby lowering subscription fees and at the same time disseminating to a wider readership.

Environmentally friendly by reducing the carbon footprint of the medical industry, which is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions.

Determining Analytics and altimetric to assess the popularity, drawbacks, and extent of the reach of the journal via readership statistics, article popularity, and user engagement


The app and webapp will enable easy-to-use navigation, bookmarking, and saved searches. The option of push notifications will assist in receiving updates on new articles or issues, and other important news or announcements related to the journal. Interactive features like multimedia content, hyperlinks, and the ability to upload, manage and share articles on social media, videos, animations, and quizzes through the app will enhance the user experience with more engaging content.